What Does It Mean When a Group Has Power?
CN: sexual assault, racism, chattel slavery, ableism, trans-antagonism, mention of suicide and murder rate statistics. When discussing...
What Is Socialization?
CN: physical abuse, mention of discrimination based on race, body type, and gender, mention of retaliation to sexual assault reporting....
Explaining Privilege Part 1: WHAT Is Privilege?
CN: discussion of consequences of oppression Let’s talk about “privilege.” It’s a big concept and a word that’s used so frequently, to...
Who Is Marginalized?
CN: Mention of serious effects of oppression, specific to race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, physical and mental ability,...
Content Notes
CN: mental illness, PTSD At the beginning of most of my posts, I'll be using a note that starts "CN" followed by a list of certain...